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Human rights defense mechanism for Western Sahara

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Shaheed Al Hafeed, 29 August 2020 (SPS) - Minister of Occupied Territories and the Sahrawi Community Abroad has announced the creation of a human rights coordination mechanism to document and expose the violations committed by Morocco against the Sahrawi people since the military invasion of Western Sahara in 1975. 
This coordination mechanism has been created upon instruction from Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali during a meeting held Monday under the supervision of Premier Bouchraya Hamoudi Beyoun.
According to a communiqué from the Sahrawi Ministry, the repression to which the Sahrawis in the occupied territories are subjected urged the creation of a mechanism that will “have a positive impact” on SADR and “its struggle for human rights” in these territories. 
SADR is “aware” of the importance of “unveiling the policy and targets of Morocco” by documenting its crimes against humanity since 1975 for referral to the competent courts.
The mechanism will bring together several institutions and organizations involved in human rights in Western Sahara like the ministries of Occupied Territories and the Sahrawi Community Abroad, Foreign Affairs and Information, as well as the Polisario Front Political Secretariat, the Sahrawi Human Rights Committee and the Union of Lawyers, the Association of the families of Sahrawi detainees and disappeared, and the Association of victims of anti-personnel mines.
In his speech at the constitutive meeting of the said mechanism, the Sahrawi Prime Minister stressed that the action of this mechanism consisted in coordinating efforts at the national and international levels in the field of human rights, because "the Sahrawi people suffer daily Moroccan violations of their rights to a decent life.”
The mechanism will serve to develop a common vision before national, regional and international bodies in accordance with international humanitarian law and the resolutions of international organizations. (SPS)