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Brahim Ghali hails international community's support to Sahrawi cause

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Wilaya of Awserd (Refugee Camps), May 21, 2017 (SPS) -Sahrawi president and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Brahim Ghali hailed Saturday the support of the international community to the Sahrawi cause and the efforts made by all defenders of the Sahrawi people's struggle, notably Algeria, and called on the United Nations to fully assume its responsibility vis-à-vis the completion of the decolonization of Western Sahara. 
"We hail Algeria, a brotherly country, which has supported, in accordance with its principle and international resolutions and charter with neither reserve nor hesitation, the struggle of the Sahrawi people to put an end to colonialism in its country," said President Ghali in a message to the international community on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the outbreak of the struggle against the Moroccan occupation, highlighting "Algeria's deserved position at the regional, continental and international levels as it wisely addresses the challenges and dangers facing the region including those resulting from Morocco's hostile policy."
"We also hail the support of the Republic of Mauritania and our brothers in the African continent, which make the Sahrawi cause an African cause despite Morocco's refusal," he stated.
The Sahrawi president also welcomed "the solidarity movement in Europe and in the whole world," highlighting "the solidarity shown by the Spanish people and the Spanish state's historical and legal responsibilities vis-à-vis the Saharawi people.  
Ghali reiterated its call to the UN "to fully assume its responsibility in the completion of the decolonization of Western Sahara," stressing that "the Polisario Front affirms its full readiness to cooperate with the UN Secretary General and its special envoy to speed up the Minurso mission and implement the provisions of the last resolution of the Security Council, particularly the one relating to the continuation of the negotiation process and the handling of all suspended issues arising from Morocco's violation of the ceasefire and the N1 military agreement in Guerguerat." (SPS)