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UGTSARIO condemns Moroccan repression against Saharawi workers in occupied territories

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Shahid Alhafed, May 01,2011(SPS) - The General Union of the Saharawi Workers ,abbreviation in Spanish language (UGTSARIO) has condemned Sunday the Moroccan repression committed against the Saharawi workers in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

In a statement on the occasion of the international day of the workers, the Saharawi NGO, condemned the Moroccan aggressions against “the peaceful sit-ins of the Saharawi workers to demand their legitimate rights where several workers were subjected to torture such as, Sidahmed Diya” said the statement.

“The Union of the Saharawi Workers condemns all practices which violate basic rights and freedoms that saved by all internal laws,”

UGTSARIO, appreciated efforts of all Saharawi workers for their “sacrifices to impose our right to freedom, independence and living in dignity in our land, Western Sahara”

It also applauded “solidarity and contribution of international movement of workers in supporting the legitimate rights of the Saharawi people,”

Finally UGTSARIO, asked all Saharawi workers to “mobilize and release all challenges to complete liberation and build the national project.”(SPS)
