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Fresh Arab diplomatic moves to reach decision on Palestinian state

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Politics 5/27/2011 5:48:00 PM

CAIRO, May 27 (KUNA) -- Ahmad Bin Helli, Arab League Deputy Secretary General, declared fresh Arab diplomatic moves to support the Palestinian cause along with seeking the issue of an official decision from the UN recognizing the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital on the basis of 1967 borders.
Bin Helli said, in a statement to the press upon the departure of an Arab League delegation led by the League's Secretary General, that such move comes under the Israelis'closure of all outlets leading to the resumption of the peace process.
Asked whether the Arab countries could withdraw the Arab Peace Initiative, Ben Helli said that, "the pressing question now is the Israeli stance, and its dealing with the Quartet Peace Committee according to the concept, content, and the Arab vision provided for resolving the conflict," noting that, "such Arab vision still needs to be reassassed." He also said the upcoming meeting of the Arab Peace Initiative Committee was scheduled before the address delivered by U.S. President Barack Obama in the U.S. Congress, and at the invitation of Palestine, noting that it will be rationale for adopting a unified Arab stance toward the upcoming diplomatic moves in light of what was embedded in the speech given by U.S. President Barack Obama.
He also noted that the Palestinian Arab-backed orientation includes the presentation of the Palestinian cause again before the UN General Assembly, and the UN Security Council, and making efforts for the issue of an official statement recognizing the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and on the basis of 1967 borders.
Ben Hilli said that most politicians and political observers have remarked following Netanyahu's latest speech before the U.S. Congress that the latter closed all doors before the resumption of the peace process due to what he proposed of debilitating conditions and "totally" unacceptable obstacles put before the Arab side.
He also asserted that there could be no peace process built on such intrasigent stance which blocked all paths leading up to the re-launching of the peace march, noting that stance will be displayed before the Arab Peace Initiative meeting.
Further, he made a reference to the self-contradictory stance of Israel which was demanding the existence of a single Palestinian peace partner expressing single view, though following the achievement of the Palestinian reconciliation Israel began to voice its rejection of a given Palestinian faction as peace interlocutor and partner, referrring to Hamas Movement.
However, he said that the Arab League observed that there are 120 countries or more adopting supporting stances to the declaration of the Palestinian state of the total 192 member states of the UN, noting that the pan-Arab body are making efforts to win the support of other remaining countries.
Finally, Ben Helli said that Israel cannot remain in control of the international resolution because the U.S. has its owen special interests in the Arab region, while asserting that the whole matter is left to the Arab Peace Initiative Committee to look into the issue's background and repercussions.

Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)