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NAM countries reiterate call for application of Saharawi people’sright in self-determination

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Bali (Indonesia), May 31, 2011 (SPS)-The foreign ministers of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), met in their Sixteenth Ministerial Conference in Bali, Indonesia, from 25 to 27 May 2011, reiterated their call for the implementation of UN General Assembly resolutions and Security Council which recognize Saharawi peoplesright in self-determination.

in concluding statement, NAM ministers  reaffirmed "their strong support to efforts by UN Secretary General ,Ban Ki-moon, and his Personal Envoy, Christopher Ross, for a mutually acceptable political solution ensuring the right of Saharawi people in self-determination "

The Ministers recognised, for this purpose, that all options for self-determination "are valid, as long as it complies with the freely expressed wishes of the concerned people and principles clearly enshrined in the resolutions of UN General Assembly" .

The Ministers praised the four rounds of negotiations between the two parties of the conflict, the Polisario Front and Morocco and their "commitment to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere encouraging dialogue. "

In this context, they called on the parties and States of the region "to provide full cooperation with the Secretary General and his Personal Envoy", reaffirming the UN "responsibility" towards the Saharawi people. (SPS)

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