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Prime Minister calls on Spain to assume its historic responsibilities

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Boumerdes (Algeria) July 9, 2011 (SPS) - The Prime Minister, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar, called Thursday on the Spanish government to live-up for its historic responsibilities by completing the decolonization in Western Sahara and fulfill its political and moral debt towards the Saharawi people, during his speech in the opening ceremony of the 2nd Summer University of Saharawi Cadres taking place in the University of Mohamed Bouguerra, Boumerdes.

Prime Minister asked France to stop hindering the democratic solution to the conflict of Western Sahara and opposing the establishment of a mechanism of human rights in Western Sahara.

He appealed to all countries and civil organizations around the world to support the Saharawi people in their struggle for freedom and democracy, underlying that this conflict, which lasted 38 years, “is the last question of decolonization in Africa.”

This situation continues because of the intransigence of Morocco, French obstacle and disengagement of Spain to its responsibilities for decolonization," Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar indicated, adding that this was reflected in the Security Council which continues to treat the question of Western Sahara under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter which provides for the peaceful resolution of the conflicts.

The Saharawi Prime Minister hailed Algeria for its continued support to the Western Sahara cause over these years and all its positions and initiatives of support.

The works of the 2nd Summer University of Cadres of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, held between from July 7 to 21, opened Thursday at the University of Mohamed Bouguerra in Boumerdes, Algeria. (SPS)