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President of Republic concludes his visit to Republic of South Sudan

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Juba (South Sudan) July 10, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, concluded Sunday his four-days visit to the Republic of South Sudan, after he attended the celebrations of the declaration of the Country's independence at the invitation of its President, Mr. Silva Kiir Myardit.

The visit concluded by establishing diplomatic relations between the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic and Republic of South Sudan at the ambassadorial level, after one day of the Saharawi Republic's formal recognition of South Sudan as an independent and sovereign state.

RASD president was farewelled at Juba's airport by the South Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Deng Alor Kuol, its vice, Majok Guandolf, and other officials.

The Saharawi president expressed the sincere congratulations of the Saharawi people to its brotherly people of Southern Sudan on the this historic occasion of proclaiming their independence, reiterating the Saharawi Republic's strong resolve to strengthen the relations of friendship existing between the two brotherly countries and peoples.

From his part, Mr. Kuol affirmed on the strong historic relations existing between the struggle of the both peoples for freedom and independence, expressing determination to develop these relations.

He also reiterated the support of South Sudan to the Saharawi people in its just struggle for freedom, self-determination and independence.

The president of the Republic was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, Ambassador in Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the AU, Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, Counselor to the Presidency, Abdati Breika. (SPS)