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Saharawi government denounces Moroccan armament

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Shahid Alhafed, augost 6,2011(SPS) the Saharawi Government expressed deep concern about the dangerous trend of  the Moroccan government by buying American jet planes, F16, expressing deplore that this action encouraging  the  Morocco  government to continue its intransigence policy which stand on occupying western Sahara  by force in challenge  of  the UN charter since october31,1975.

¨ in a time when the Moroccan government continue campaigns of brutal violence against Saharawi defenseless civilians in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, using worst methods in direct intervention by all its armed forces, receives first batch of F16 planes from USA, to support its military capacity which usually used in its unjust colonial war against the Saharawi people¨ said a statement by the ministry of information.     

the statement reminded USA its responsibilities in maintaining peace and security in the world, expressing deplore to put like these high-tech offensive  weapons in hands of Moroccan  occupying power  which proved during decades insist for creating hotbeds of tension and instability and violation of human rights¨  (SPS)
