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Attack in Marrakech: The Makhzen denounced by the main accused

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Salé (Morocco), August 20, 2011 (SPS) - Adil El Atmani, presumed author of the coffee Argana attack in Marrakesh, appeared Thursday before the Court of Appeal Court of Salé charged of terrorism where he declared to be innocent and being under presssion to take responsibility for the attack, reported the Moroccan press.


El Atmani seems to retract and decided to challenge any means of physical and psychological pressures exercised against him to declare his innocence. Pale and emaciated, the main suspect in the explosion of coffee Argana in Marrakech last April surprised everybody in the court when he denied completely the facts against him. "I am innocent ... innocent," he said.


In the dock, the other accomplices appeared all destabilized claiming to have been tortured in prison and not know how they found themselves involved in this story. Giving the impression of seeking help from Europeans, Adil El Atmani has even spoken in English: "I did not do something, I am innocent. Where are human rights, we are in Guantanamo and not in Morocco, real criminals are not here ".


To remembering, a lot of Moroccans are convinced that the attack in Marrakech was executed by the circles of the King (the Makhzen) to put pressure on the movement of 20 February created by young Moroccans to establish a parliamentary monarchy in Morocco. (SPS)