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Morocco does not recognize the work of UN in Western Sahara (Saharawi diplomat

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Rome, Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - The Polisario Front Representative in Spain, Mr. Bashraya Bayun, has told the Italian newspaper, Meridiani Relazioni Internazionali, that Morocco “does not recognize the work of the United Nations, which confirmed in its resolutions on the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.”

He added in this regard that Rabat does not want a referendum,” confirming that Morocco is the real obstacle along with Arabic governments and countries like France and Spain.

Concerning the current role of the MINURSO, the Polisario Representative pointed out that Morocco “violates our rights everyday and the UN Mission is no longer moving due to its restricted mandate.”

“The MINURSO is no longer capable of avoiding the human rights violations and preventing the looting of the Saharawi natural resources by Morocco, since it is no longer concerned with the holding of the referendum,” said Mr. Bayun, noting that the UN Mission “became a tool to legitimize the occupation.”

He accused France in this regard as a permanent member of the Security Council of thwarting the extension of the MINURSO mandate to include mainly the protection of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

“Resolving the Western Sahara cause depends not on internal changes in Morocco, but the solution lies within the international context,” said the Saharawi diplomat in a response to a question about the position of the Moroccan February 20 Movement towards the Saharawi cause.

“Certainly, it is easier to negotiate democratic Morocco rather than with the current regime,” he underlined, adding that every change enables the promotion of democracy in Morocco “would facilitate the settlement of Western Sahara conflict.” (SPS)
