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Algeria to host international symposium on right of peoples to resistance on October 28, reveals Mehrez Alamari

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Florence (Italy), Sept 26, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS), Mr. Mehrez Alamari, announced Saturday the organization of an international symposium on the peoples right to resistance on October 28 in Algeria, during his intervention in concluding ceremony of the third European Conference of Towns supporting Saharawi people.

The conference will invite international defenders of the just causes, including those who won Nobel Peace Prize, the Algerian official reveal.

Mr. Alamari appreciated the Italian initiative to hold an international conference of the towns supporting the Saharawi people, renewing Algeria’s support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

In this regard, he called on the towns participating in the Italian conference, which comprises 130 towns, to join the initiative. (SPS)
