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Sahrawis’ exasperation may lead to point of no return, warns Sahrawi PM

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Rome, September 26,2011 (SPS) the exasperation and frustration of the Sahrawi people face to the deadlock in Western Sahara issue may lead to the point of no return, The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Oumar, warned Sunday.

"The Sahrawi people, especially young people, are now exasperated and frustrated by the fact that the settlement of their sacred issue has stalled because of procrastination and stubbornness of Morocco", Abdelkader Taleb Oumar, told the APS after the end of  the third international conference of the  cities in solidarity with the Saharawi people held in Italy

"Therefore, it is feared that this situation will lead to the irreparable which would certainly not likely to have negative consequences for the stability and security in the Mediterranean region as a whole," he warned.

In this context, he said that "the delegates to the next congress of the Polisario Front could take extreme decisions (reversal of the armed struggle that nobody wants or does not wish, that the Saharawi authorities for 20 years have preferred political ways for the settlement of the Saharawi conflict. "

In this regard, he called "the international community and specially the European Union, to intervene by putting pressure on Morocco to find as soon as possible a negotiated political solution to the Saharawi question that goes through allowing  the Saharawi people  to exercise its right to self-determination."

Referring to the third conference of cities in solidarity with the Saharawi people, Abdelkader Oumar said it was "very important by the number of elected officials and civil society organizations present, which exceeded four hundred."

He added that this meeting took place "when everyone is talking about movements and the Arab spring, while the Saharawi question was shelved. Therefore, the holding means that the Saharawi people have the right to defend their future and their right to self determination. "

"It is the duty of all to save the peace in Western Sahara since the Saharawi people can no longer wait to access their rights recognized by the international community," said the Saharawi Prime Minister, who reiterated his appeal to the international community to exert "pressure on Morocco to to comply with international law" to spare the Maghreb region and Mediterranean new tensions. "

Commenting on the decisions of the third conference, he welcomed the content of the final statement of work, which focused first on developing  the Saharawi territories areas by calling for strengthen cooperation with the Saharawi people and enable them to rebuild and repopulate these areas.(SPS)
