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Spanish Association of Human Rights calls for the immediate release of Gdeim Izik detainees

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Madrid, Jan 15, 2012 (SPS) - The Spanish Association of Human Rights has called on the international community to exert the necessary pressure on Morocco to release the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, without restriction or condition, and not to resort to the postponement of their trail.

In a statement reached SPS, the Association appealed to the Spanish government to pressurize, through its ambassador in Rabat, the Moroccan military court for allowing it to attend the trail of the 23 Saharawi political detainees, known as Gdeim Izik prisoners.

“Through taking Saharawi prisoners to military court, the Moroccan authorities violates the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which gives the full right to everyone to express his views and aspirations without being subjected to harassment or imprisonment,” indicated the statement.

It should be recalled that the 23 Saharawi political prisoners took part early November 2010 in popular protests in Gdeim Izik to demand the organization of a self-determination referendum in Western Sahara and put an end to the Moroccan occupation. (SPS)
