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Uruguay reaffirms support to the cause of Saharawi people

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Montevideo (Uruguay), Feb 27, 2012 (SPS) - The Foreign Minister of Uruguay, Dr. Luis Almagro, reiterated his country's support to the Saharawi cause, after a reception organized Friday honoring the Saharawi Minister Responsible for Latin America, Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beissat, said a officials source close to the Saharawi Embassy in Montevideo.

At the meeting, the Saharawi Minister thanked the Uruguayan Minister for his country's support to the Saharawi people and its cause and informed him about the latest developments of the Western Sahara issue.

He also reviewed to his interlocutor the results of the XIII Congress of the Polisario Front and the events of the protest camp of Gdeim Izik.

The Saharawi diplomat lamented the persistence of the Moroccan side to create obstacles to the path of a just and definitive solution to the conflict.

For his part, Foreign Minister of Uruguay said that the Uruguayan government “will continue to supporting the struggle of the Saharawi people to self-determination.”
The meeting was attended by the SADR Ambassador to Uruguay, Mr. Cheibani Abbas, added the same source. (SPS)
