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Spanish party condemns brutal repression against the Saharawis in occupied Western Sahara

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Madrid, March 4, 2012 (SPS) - The Special Committee of Saharawi cause of the Spanish Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) condemned Thursday, in a statement, the waves of brutal repression perpetuated against the Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The statement condemned the latest arrests among the young Saharawis, who participated in peaceful demonstrations advocating the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people.

UPyD Responsible for Foreign Relations expressed “his full condemnation to the methods of repression adopted by the Moroccan regime, which are far from what claimed by the means of propaganda of the Moroccan Royal Palace.”

“The Saharawis are considered second or third class citizens in their country in the eyes of Moroccan regime and their basic rights, including the right of expression and protest, being daily violated,” noted the Responsible of the Foreign Relations of UPyD.

The statement finally indicated that the Party voices to “respect right of the Saharawis in determining the nature of their future, through the holding of a referendum of self-determination ending the illegal occupation status, which has lasted for thirty-six years.” (SPS)
