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New round of negotiations is real test to Morocco’s will to resolve Western Sahara conflict (Diplomat

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Algiers, March 12, 2012 (SPS) - The Saharawi Ambassador to Algeria, Mr. Brahim Ghali, considered that the ninth round of the preliminary negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco, which started today in Manhasset (New York), is a “real test to the will of the Moroccan Government to resolve the conflict of Western Sahara.”

In an interview with the Algerian newspaper of Al Shaab, the Saharawi Ambassador confirming “the Polisario will go to this round of negotiations with a fundamental principle, which is the embodiment of the right of self-determination for the Saharawi people advocated by the Security Council and the United Nations.”

Responding to a question on the circumstances surrounding the ninth meeting, Mr. Brahim Ghali noted that this round is “test to the will of the other party, because it is the first round after the legislative elections and formation of a new government came as a result of the movement in Morocco.”

“This round will be indeed a test to the new government and it will show if it has there has been change on the position of the Morocco Kingdom, and is this government able to bring a new element or is it unable to change the intransigent Moroccan position? it is known far and wide, which ignored by some parties in the West, despite the fact that it thwarts peace efforts in the region, and remain a stumbling block in front of any just settlement to the Saharawi just cause,” added the Saharawi Diplomat.

It should be recalled that works of the ninth round of the informal negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco opened today in Greentree estate, suburbs of New York, under auspices of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross, and in the presence of the two parties: Polisario Front and Morocco and representative of the observer countries: Algeria and Mauritania. (SPS)
