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We did not register any progress in 9th round of negotiations due to Rabat intransigence (President Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Shaheed Al hafed (refugee camps), March 18, 2012 (SPS) - “We did not record any remarkable progress in the negotiations with the new Moroccan Government on a just and fair settlement to the conflict of Western Sahara in the context of the exercise of the Saharawi people to the right of self-determination due to Rabat intransigence,” Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Frente Polisario, underlined in an interview with Radio Algeria International broadcasted today.

The Saharawi President regretted on the fact that the ninth round of the preliminary negotiations with the Kingdom of Morocco ended “in failure and there had no remarkable progress because of the intransigence of Morocco.”

“We did not record any change, during the last meeting held between delegations of the Polisario Front and Morocco under aegis of the UN in Manhasset, in the position of the previous and current government in Morocco regarding the settlement of the Saharawi cause,” said the President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

With regard to statements of the French Foreign Minister and U.S. Secretary of State, he considered that these statements “feed the crisis, encourage the Moroccan intransigence, get the region away from overcoming its crisis and do not contribute to find close vision of solution to the conflict, highlighting in the same regard “they contradict the international resolutions, mainly those issued last December by the U.S. Congress and EU Parliament.”

The President registered sympathy of the peoples and civil societies in Europe and United States of America with the Saharawi cause, despite the media disregard, particularly in presenting it in its nature, condemning bias of some governments to the Moroccan position.

“When the Saharawi cause provided in its nature, the world will discover that it is a just cause deserve solidarity. We congratulate societies of French and Spain for their solidarity with the Saharawi cause,” said Secretary General of the Frente Polisario.

He expressed sympathy of the Polisario Front and Saharawi Government with interests of Spanish fishermen, who lost their jobs due to the blocking of the fishing agreements between Morocco and the European Union, indicating that a final solution to the Saharawi cause “will enable the establishment of partnership in the region,” urging the EU to not renewing the fisheries agreement with Morocco.

and say to them and the Spanish government, that the final solution to the problem of Western Sahara and the only way to the signing of agreements legitimacy with who has the sovereignty over the province, and we hope the European Union not to repeat the conclusion of fishing agreements with Morocco.

“We express our concern and sympathy with interests of the Spanish fishermen, who have been affected by the blocking of the fishing agreements between Morocco and the European Union, and say to them and to the Spanish government that the final solution to the problem of Western Sahara is only way to sign legitimate agreements with who has the sovereignty over the Territory. We hope that the European Union will not re-sign fishing agreements with Morocco.” (SPS)
