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Slovenian MP values EU parliament’s decision to freeze fishing agreement with Morocco

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Ljubljana, April 30, 2012 (SPS) - Vice-President of the Parliamentary Group of Solidarity with the Saharawi People in EU Parliament and Former Slovenian Foreign Minister, Mr. Ivo Vajgl, applauded the decision taken last December by the EP to freeze the fishing agreement with Morocco due to Rabat violations of human rights in Western Sahara, in a joint seminar along with POLISARIO Representative to Balkan, Mr. Malainin Bagada, broadcast by Slovenian television last week.

The MP spoke about the systematic looting of the Saharawi natural resources by Morocco, valuing the European Parliament’s position end of last year to freeze the fisheries agreement with Morocco, since Rabat does not respect international law.

From his part, POLISARIO Representative indicated that despite the fact that Morocco militarily controls large parts of Western Sahara, but its presence remains “illegal and unrecognized” because it contradicts international legitimacy and UN resolutions.

The seminar focused on the historic and legal developments of the Question of Western Sahara, where the Saharawi diplomat emphasized that POLISARIO and SADR position regarding the solution of the conflict remained “clear”, adding “it is based on a referendum of self-determination as the most effective to resolve the Saharawi cause on the exercise of the people of Western Sahara to their right to determine their future as endorsed by Security Council, UN resolutions and Advisory Opinion of International Court of Justice 1975.”

He also pointed out to the role played by Gdeim izik epic in awaking the Arab peoples, as the first spark of the Arab Spring according to the international writer and thinker Noam Chomsky. (SPS)
