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Mexico guest of honor of FISahara2012 reaffirms determination to break silence in Western Sahara

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Dakhla (refugee camps), May 3, 2012 (SPS) the spokesman of the Mexican delegation as a guest of honor to the 9th edition of the international film festival in western Sahara (FISahara)Mr. Guillermo Rocha, Wednesday, reaffirmed the determination of the representatives of Mexican cinema to deliver the voice of the Saharawi people and to break the wall of silence that imposed by Morocco on western Sahara issue

He pointed out that Mexico has been supported the struggle of the Saharawi people and has a good relationship with the Polisario Front since 70s, noting that about ten documents  about the Saharawi cause have been made by Mexican directors.

He thanked the Saharawi Ministry of Culture on the invitation to Mexico as guest of honor to this edition of FISahara, expressing his admiration to the Saharawi government and the organizers.(SPS)
