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FiSahara 2012 asks world civil society to pressurize governments to end suffering of Saharawi people

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Dakhla (refugee camps), May 6, 2012 (SPS) - Participants of the 9th edition of the Sahara International Film Festival, known as FiSahara, have asked components of the Spanish, French and international civil society to exert pressure on the governments to put an end to the long-standing conflict, stressing on the need to conduct a referendum of self-determination in Western Sahara, in a communiqué concluded last night works of the Festival.

“We are well aware that the governments will not move unless it being forced by its citizens. This lead us to write to you in order to start this claim and urgency that does not accept the delay, because we know that the only battle that defeat is the one that we abandon it” stated the communiqué, expressing regret on the persistence of French government in the use of veto against any attempt to put pressure on Morocco to meet its obligations and stop the policy of torture and repression against the Saharawis.

The participants urged Spanish Government to assume its responsibilities as a colonizer country as to put human rights above any economic interests, demanding that United Nations ensures human rights and organizes the referendum in the Territory.

The communiqué also indicated that the Saharawi citizens are subjected to various forms of torture, abuse, beating, rape and kidnapping by the Moroccan occupation forces, adding that there are still tens of thousands of the Saharawis living in camps of refuge in harsh conditions for 37 years.

FiSahara concluded late last night in the Wilaya of Dakhla, where it attended by artists, actors, directors and producers. It also participated by long and short films made by Saharawi and foreign filmmakers. (SPS)
