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Closing of Florence’s Conference on Saharawi human rights

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Florence (Tuscany, Italy), June 17, 2012 (SPS) - The international conference on the Saharawi human rights of Florence wrapped out Saturday afternoon, in the presence of the President Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of Tuscany Mr. Enrico Rossi and Mayor of Florence Mr. Andrea Balducci, as well as a number of heads of Tuscany’s municipalities.

A documentary tells the full story of the settling and military dismantling of Gdeim Izik by the Moroccan military on November 2010 has been screened during the Conference.

Moreover, an Italian journalist made a presentation about the developments concerning the conflict of Western Sahara, the situation of separation, displacement and continued violations of human rights by Moroccan authorities of occupation.

In addition, the Saharawi activists of human rights Najat Khneibila and Mohamed Mutawakel gave testimonies reveal the gross violations perpetuated by Moroccan authorities against the Saharawis since its invasion to Western Sahara on 31 October 1975, conditions of detention and enforced disappearance as well as the suffering of Saharawi women and children.

Mr. Giuseppe Carovani, Director of the International Relations, Peace and Twinning’s Committee in Florence’s Council, emphasized on the need to rapidly putting an end to suffering of the oppressed Saharawi people, placing all the material and technological resources in the service of their just cause, as well as intensify, organize and unify the efforts of solidarity, pressurizing the parliaments regional blocs to act towards the United Nations in order that the MINURSO, as soon as possible, conduct a referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people.

The Conference was attended by an important Saharawi delegation led by President Mohamed Abdelaziz and composed of Mr. Mohamed Sidati, Minister Delegate for Europe, Mr. Abdati Breika, Counselor to the Presidency, Mr. Amih Omar, POLISARIO Representative to Italy, Mr. Abdullahi Bushiba, and POLISARIO Representative in Tuscany. (SPS)
