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Secretary General of Saharawi Women Union asks Socialist International to dispatch fact-finding mission to Western Sahara

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Istanbul, June 25, 2012 (SPS) - Member of the POLISARIO National Secretariat and Secretary General of the Saharawi Woman Union, Ms. Farma Mehdi, asked Sunday the Socialist International to dispatch a fact-finding mission to the occupied territories of Western Sahara and Saharawi refugee camps in order to view suffering experienced by the Saharawi women, in an intervention at a meeting held in Istanbul, Turkey.

Ms. Fatma Mehdi gave presentation on situation of the Saharawi woman, separated families, absence of peace, stalled of negotiations project and deterioration of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, calling from the Socialist International’s Secretary General to play a more effective role.

A delegation of the Saharawi Women Union, led by its Secretary General Ms. Fatma Mehdi, took part at the meeting that held under the theme: “women and conflict resolution through mediation and negotiation.”

The meeting was opened with a speech by Ms. Pia Locatelli, Socialist International Women’s President, where she gave a presentation on the importance of woman’s participation in mediation and negotiations relating to the different conflicts, recalling the attendance to the various existing challenges and to the need for Socialist International to play “a prominent role in the resolution of conflicts and ensure world peace.”

Moreover, Ms. Caylee Anthony, Vice-President of the Socialist International in the Mediterranean and Middle East, focused on her intervention on the wars and conflicts prevailing in this region and the most important initiatives undertaken by the Socialist International Women in this regard. (SPS)
