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President of Republic confirms Saharawis’ determination to self-determination and establishing bonds of brotherhood with Moroccans

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), July 16, 2012 (SPS) - “The Saharawi people are determined to exercise their right to self-determination and independence, as to establish bonds of brotherhood with the Moroccan brotherly people, as inescapable historic determinisms,” has confirmed the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, in a letter sent Sunday to the 3rd congress of Moroccan Democratic Approach Party.

“Now, the Moroccan state refuses to allow self-determination of the Saharawi people and prevents the international community to monitor human rights in the Territory, but in all this, it only postpones historic determinisms; first in enabling the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence, second that of establishing a strong bonds of brotherhood between Moroccan and Saharawi brotherly peoples, based on the mutual respect and recognition of the independent and free existence,” wrote the Pressident Mohamed Abdelaziz.

Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz hailed the trustfulness shown by the Party and its activists to the spirit of October 1977 through the defense of the right of the Saharawi people to choice, despite the difficulty of stages and the complexity of circumstances.

“The painful truth is that Moroccan state still, to date, turns a blind eye to the reality on the ground, lamented on the fact and deafening resolutions of the United Nations, as well as calls of the international community and Saharawi civilians in the streets of El aaiun, Smara, Boujdour and Dakhla…,” he regretted.

The President of the Republic expressed appreciation and gratitude to the many voices spoken out from inside the Moroccan cultural and media scene, including the honorable position of the Democratic Approach, leading human rights associations and constellation, expanding day after day, of Moroccan journalists and intellectuals, who are aware that the wheel of history does not spin back and advocacy for democracy in Morocco does not consistent with continuing the confiscation of the inalienable democratic right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

“We in the Polisario Front have owned the adequate courage and responsibility to resort to democracy and transparency when we pledged before the world to accept any result that the free popular referendum would come with, even if it is that of integration to Morocco. But the Moroccan state, through its retreating to accept a self-determination referendum, make the world sure about its fear of the result of a free popular consultation, a position supposed to be not worthy for Morocco and, in any way, is not in line with the values, principles and history of the Moroccan people and their gross sacrifices for freedom and democracy,” said the President of the Republic.

Concerning the Arab Spring, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz pointed out that the Saharawis have “a great hope that Moroccan state would make a genuine reading to the pulse of time and carefully listen to the tide of history, by putting the ballot boxes in the hands of the Saharawis, and under international supervision, to determine their fate and freely decide their future.”

The President of the Republic finally called upon the peace and democracy-loving forces in Morocco to defend human rights and establish its culture and values, saying “this could no longer be reconciled, while silence on the repression, oppression and torture of Sahrawi civilians because of their peaceful expression and attachment to their right to self-determination and independence continues.” (SPS)
