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Saharawi Government expresses satisfaction to release of three European cooperators kidnapped from Saharawi refugee camps

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Bir lahlu (liberated territories) July19,2012(SPS)the Government of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic(SADR)  and the  Polisario Front ,on Wednesday expressed satisfaction to the release of three European cooperators kidnapped in October 22,2011 from the  Saharawi refugee camps and transformed  to northern Mali.

“The government of SADR, the leadership of the Polisario Front and the Saharawi people received news of liberation of hostages Ainhoa Fernández de Rincón(Spain)  Enric Gonyalons(Spain) and  Rosella Urru(Italy) with great happiness and satisfaction” said a press release issued by the  Ministry of Information.  

“The Saharawi authorities have undertaken several efforts to advent this happy news always guided by only one goal which is the return of our friends of humanitarian cooperators to their families in safety and as soon as possible,”   

The Saharawi government finally offered felicities and congratulations to the three cooperators to their families, their peoples and their organizations. (SPS)
