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Solidarity associations with Saharawi people condemns Spain’s repatriation of cooperators from Saharawi refugee camps

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Madrid, July 29, 2012 (SPS) - The Spanish associations of friendship and solidarity with the Saharawi people have condemned Spain’s unilateral decision to bring home its cooperators from the Saharawi refugee camps.

The Coordination of Spanish Associations of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CEAS), Doctors of the World and Mundubat criticized, in a joint statement, the decision taken by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, noting that the Spanish State has subordinated to the extortion a turned a blind eye to thousands of Saharawi refugees, whose lives entirely depends on contributions and assistance of those cooperators.

On other hand, Spanish Association of Human Rights has strongly denounced the step, considering it “improvisational” by the Spanish Government, appealing to give up the decision and allow the cooperators to return to the Saharawi refugee camps to operate again. (SPS)
