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France urged to recognize Saharawi people’s right to self-determination

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Paris (France) August29,2012(SPS) - French politicians and human rights activists from the Association of the Friends of SADR (Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic) called Wednesday the highest authorities in Paris to recognize Saharawi people’s "inalienable" right to self-determination.

"It is time that our diplomacy, our elected officials get the measure of Saharawi people’s inalienable right to self-determination and the determination of that people who, for 37 years, have never changed or given up," they wrote in their latest newsletter Letter Sahara Info.

The Friends of SADR mentioned President François Hollande’s statement at the Conference of Ambassadors, about the urgent need for France to weigh everywhere and in all transparency, in relation to promotion of human rights.

They said they were looking forward to seeing France "finally playing its role" in the Security Council, especially with the removal of obstruction to expansion of MINURSO mandate to include monitoring of human rights.(SPS)
