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Saharawi Government condemns assassination of Algerian diplomat Taher Touati

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Sept 3, 2012 (SPS) - The Saharawi Government has strongly condemned the assassination of the Algerian diplomat and Vice-Consul, Taher Touati, by a terrorist group in northern Mali, quoted a statement issued Sunday by the Saharawi Ministry of Information.

“Government of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic strongly condemns and denounces assassination of Taher Touati, one of the Algerian Consulate staff, by one of several terrorist group in northern Mali as reported by some media,” asserted the statement.

“This criminal act targeted the Algerian diplomat and rest of the Algerian Consulate staff, still in custody, is unacceptable and condemnable,” indicated the statement.

“Whilst the Saharawi Government emphasizes condemnation to all kinds of intimidation and terrorism against the innocents, it declares strong solidarity with the Algerian Government and with family of the victim, families of all detained diplomats and brotherly people of Algeria. It once again expresses constant solidarity with all efforts being made, regionally and continentally, in order to counter and eradicate the scourge of terrorism and all forms of transnational organized crime in our region,” concluded the statement. (SPS)
