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International delegation of human rights says it worked freely in Saharawi refugee camps

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  Washington, Spt 5, 2012 (SPS) -The international delegation of human rights headed by the President of Ropert F Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, Kerry Knnedy,  asserted it has worked freely during its visit to the Saharawi refugee camps.


“The delegation walked freely in the camps and interviewed several people, including members of civil society and individual refugees” said the RFK Center in a preliminary report on its visit to the occupied Western Sahara and Saharawi refugee camps.


Ropert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human rights stated in its report the  delegation “visited the prisons for men, women, and children and interviewed several of the detainees”.


“The delegation also met with UNHCR, the Algerian Red rescent, the World Food Program, and MINURSO's liaison office present at the camps" added the report.


The international human rights delegation headed by Kerry Kenndy, who have paid a visit to occupied Western Sahara and the Saharawi refugee camps to assess the situation of human right, included Kerry Kennedy (United States), President, RFK Center; Santiago A. Canton (Argentina), Director, RFK Partners for Human Rights, RFK Center; Marselha Gonçalves Margerin (Brazil), Advocacy Director, RFK Center; Mary Lawlor (Ireland), Director, Front Line Defenders; Margarette May Macaulay (Jamaica), Judge, Inter American Court of Human Rights; Marialina Marcucci (Italy), President, RFK Center–Europe; Stephanie Postar (United States), Advocacy Assistant, RFK Center; María del Río (Spain), Board of Trustees, José Saramago Foundation and Eric Sottas (Switzerland), former Secretary-General, World Organization Against Torture (OMCT).