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Parliament of Zimbabwe expresses support for the struggle of the Saharawi people

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Harare, Spt 6, 2012 (SPS) - The Director of External Relations at the Parliament of Zimbabwe, Godfrey Chipare, expressed the support of the Parliament of Zimbabwe to the struggle of the Saharawi people, during a meeting with Saharawi Embassador  in Harare, Mohamed Saleh Edeich, according to a statement from the Saharawi Embassy in Harare.


 Zimbabwean offical denounced the "obstinacy" of Morocco to the peace process, calling it a "violation of international law and international law," said the same source.


Chipare urged the international community to reject this approach, calling for the need for "a joint efforts to put pressure on the Moroccan government to accept a political solution that respects the right of the Saharawi people to self-recover their territory and make a decent living as the people of the world. "


He denounced on the other hand, "the repressive practices" of the Moroccan regime against the Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.


"Their only crime is to express their rejection of the Moroccan occupation project," he said, referring to the struggle of the Saharawi people.


He stressed the need for  "a mechanism for human rights monitoring in Western Sahara".