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Academic year 2012-2013 officially kicks off

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 16, 2012 (SPS) - The new academic year 2012-2013 officially kicked off Saturday in all schools in the Saharawi refugee camps and liberated territories of Western Sahara, in the presence and supervision of local authorities and Ministry of Education.

“Preparations for the new academic year have began directly after the end of the previous one, where the specialized committees have started to set the grounds for the new school year ever since,” Secretary General of Education Ministry, Mr. Gouz Mamuni, told SPS, adding “the new this year is the generalization of middle schools in all the Wilayas, except the new Wilaya of Boujdour.”

With regard to the ongoing preparations for transporting the Saharawi students to the secondary schools, colleges and universities in the friendly and brotherly countries, the official revealed that the operation is supervised by a committee including the ministries of education, health and construction, as well as the Saharawi Red Crescent and local committees.

It expected that a school in the liberated territory of Mijek to be opened during the 2012-2013 academic year, in addition to laid the foundation stone of other in the liberated Dougj, said the Minister of Urbanization and Construction of Liberated Territories at the end of a previous working visit.

It should be recalled that there are primary schools in the liberated towns of Tifariti, Mheiriz and Bir Lehlou. (SPS)
