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President of Republic asserts UN responsibility to end dramatic situation of human rights in Western Sahara

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Bir Lehlu(liberated territories) , Spt 20, 2012 (SPS). - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has asserted the responsibility of the international community to end the dramatic situation of human rights in Western Sahara, in letter to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki moon.


The President of the Republic condemned in his letter the Moroccan ignorance to the UN presence in the territory and the tight security siege imposed on the Saharawis civilians.


“While the worldwas waiting for easing the military siege and restrictions imposed on the territory before the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, and thus open the way to freedom of expression and assembly, the territories have witnessed the deployment of Motroccan forces,  military and civil, " wrote the President to Ban.


President Mohamed Abdelaziz has also denounced the brutal intervention of the Moroccan occupation forces against Sahrawi human rights activists and defenseless civilians on 17 September 2012, while participating in a peaceful demonstration calling for respect for the essential liberties and ri accelerate the application of UN resolutions and Charter, namely the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people through a free, fair and transparent referendum


The Secretary General of the Polisario Front affirmed the devious intent of the Moroccan authorities of occupation to commit new brutal attacks to prevent the Sahrawi citizens of their right to assemble and demonstrate in peaceful and civilized way on  occasion of the visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to the occupied city of Al Aiun .


Furthermore, President Mohamed Abdelaziz requested the international to exert the necessary pressure and sanctions on the Moroccan occupation authorities to abide by the international legitimacy, stop looting the Saharawi natural resources, remove its separated military wall and reveal the whereabouts of more than 651 Saharawi disappeared. (SPS)
