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Friends of Saharawi people in Belgium celebrate annual day of solidarity

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Belgium, Sept 23, 2012 (SPS) - The Belgian-Saharawi Friendship Association celebrated Saturday along with the Saharawi community the day of solidarity, which annually held in north Belgium, informed a source of POLISARIO representation to Brussels.

More than 800 thousands participants from America and some members of Arabic communities in Belgium attended the event, said the source.

According to the organizers, the event is an important opportunity to give presentations and explanations about the conflict of Western Sahara as to aware about the Saharawi cause among the participants including the Moroccan community, who showed a lot of interest.

The celebration was an opportunity for the Polisario Front’s Representation to Belgium to meet various organizations, personalities and leaders of political parties, added the same source.

During the event, an exhibition contains photographs was opened and dozens of brochures about the history of the conflict, human rights violations and illegal exploitation of Western Sahara natural wealth by Morocco were distributed. (SPS)
