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International community called to undertake serious effort to protect innocent Saharawis, says Brahim Ghali

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Algiers, Oct 1, 2012 (SPS) - The Ambassador in Algeria Mr. Brahim Ghali urged Monday the international community to undertake a serious effort to protect the innocent Saharawis and to stop the violations of human rights in the occupied Saharawi territories.

In a statement to APS on the sidelines of the 2nd training session for 32 members and offices of the Saharawi National Sahrawi, M.Ghali said that the last days have seen an exacerbation of flagrant violations of human rights in occupied Western Sahara by the Moroccan security services, which requires “a serious initiative” of the international community to protect the innocent Saharawis.

Mr. Ghali also expressed his “gratitude” to Algeria for its consistent position in favor of the Saharawi cause despite the “difficult situation; a foreign scramble and terrorism aimed at its destabilization.”

On other hand, Mr. Ghali cited testimonies of international organizations that have recently visited the occupied Saharawi territories and refugees camps, including a delegation RFK Centre for Justice and Human Rights and African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which has been prevented from traveling to occupied Western Sahara. (SPS)
