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Polisario Front takes part at annual conference of British Labour Party

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Manchester, Oct 04, 2012 (SPS) - A delegation led by the Polisario Front representative in the United Kingdom, Laman Abbali, has participated in the annual conference of the British Labour Party, held from September 30 to October 04 in Manchester.


The Saharawi diplomat met with important figures from the British Labour Party, including leader of the opposition in the House of Lords, Mrs. Janet Royal, Lord George Foulkes, the former Minister and Parliamentarian, Peter Hain and participating delegations from Sweden, Norway, South Africa, Namibia and Ghana.


Mr. Bali informed politicians and delegations of the latest developments in the Western Sahara issue, in particular the obstacles placed by Morocco before the UN efforts to reach a solution that guarantees the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.


Furthermore, The Saharawi representative has called on the British Labour Party  to promote and strengthen solidarity with the Saharawi people, who remain deprived of their legitimate rights as well as to protect  human rights in occupied Western Sahara.


The Labour Party supports the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and the efforts of the UN for the completion of Western Sahara decolonization. (SPS)
