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Spanish Government reiterates its support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination

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Madrid, Oct 11, 2012 (SPS) - The Spanish Government has reiterated its support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and continue his defense of human rights in Western Sahara, the Spanish News Agency  EFE reported roday.


The Spanish Foreign Minister said that the Spanish government calls for a political solution, just, lasting and mutually acceptable to provide for self-determination of the people of the Sahara in the context of the principles and UN resolutions, according to EFE.

In this sense, García-Margallo has insisted that Spain holds the same position on the conflict, United Nations either in Morocco or Algeria.


MPs called on the Spanish Foreign Minister to pay more attention to the archive of Western Sahara, and have urging the Spanish government to get involved in the solution of  the Sahara conflict and shows rejection to  any violation of human rights, recalling that  Spain was colonizing power of the territory in the past and should be part of the solution. (SPS)
