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France urged to facilitate expansion of MINORSO mandate

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New York, Oct 11, 2012 (SPS) - Mayor of Gonfreville l’Orcher in France Jean-Paul Lecoq,  has called today on France to facilitate the expansion of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to include a mechanism for monitoring and protecting human rights.


Speaking before meeting of UN Fourth Committee on behalf of  Association of Friends of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in France,  Lecoq pointed out the pointed out the duplicity of many Governments, which, with their strong political and economic ties to Morocco, were effectively supporting the Moroccan standpoint yet also approving the United Nations resolutions that contradicted it.


He called for Moroccan authorities to respond to requests for investigations in the gross human right violations taking place in occupied Western Sahara.


Furthermore, Mayor of Gonfreville l’Orcher  said that both the Saharwis  and Moroccan people had “everything to gain” from the end of the conflict and the establishment of mutual respect. (SPS)
