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Arab spring began in occupied Western Sahara, says Noam Chomsky

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Gaza (Palestine), Oct 24, 2012 (SPS) - “The Arab Spring began in November 2010 when the people of Western Sahara revolted against their Moroccan occupiers, said the US scholar and activist Noam Chomsky at International Conference of Applied Linguistics and Literature held in Gaza, acoording to the Electronic Intifada.



Chomsky recalled "the uprising was crushed by Moroccan troops”, adding that no "one heard of it because western media was not interested in seeing a change in the region."


the famous American linguist drew an interesting analogy between Palestine and Western Sahara where Western-backed settler-colonial projects are swallowing up lands.


“The people of Western Sahara appealed to the UN; but France is the protector of Morocco. And France appealed to the Security Council to make sure that nothing would happen” he explained, adding that “France is a Western ally of Morocco.”


“If that sounds familiar it’s because it is,” he declared, “the difference is that in Palestine it’s the United States that ensures that nothing would happen.” underlined Chomsky. (SPS)
