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POLISARIO renews willingness to constructive cooperation with UN efforts

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Jan 6, 2013 (SPS) - The POLISARIO Front has renewed its willingness for the constructive cooperation with efforts of the United Nations and its Personal Envoy Christopher Ross to complete the decolonization of Western Sahara, recalling to UN and Security Council’s responsibility on accelerating the pace of negotiations with Morocco.

In a statement concluded the 4th ordinary session of its National Secretariat, POLISARIO Front described the recent visit by the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy Mr. Christopher Ross to the region as “the positive step” that must be followed sooner by practical steps to enable the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, MINURSO, to fully play its role, including the protection, monitoring and reporting about human rights.

POLISARIO National Secretariat recorded with satisfaction the many gains and victories occurred in the year 2012 on the international sphere, praising “the constant development” in Saharawi state relations with the neighboring countries and with the countries of Latin America, applauding the strengthening of its place within the African Union.

It warmly hailed the ratification by Swedish Parliament on a decision calling its government to recognize the SADR, calling on the parliaments and governments of Europe and the world to take similar steps, which will necessarily serve the democratic solution to the Western Sahara conflict and the legitimate right of its people to freedom, dignity and independence and also contributes to put an end to the Moroccan policies of oppression and expansion and occupation.

It, therefore, welcomed the positions expressed at the level of European Parliament in favour of self-determination of the Saharawi people and protection of human rights in Western Sahara, stressing the need to immediately cease all acts of Moroccan looting and illegal exploitation of Saharawi natural resources.

National Secretariat asked in this respect the EU and international community to refrain from signing the fishing pact or any other agreement with Moroccan state that include territorial waters and occupied territories of Western Sahara.

Regarding the developments in the region, it recorded Security Council resolution on the crisis in north Mali, reiterating POLISARIO’s position that rejects terrorism, smuggling and organized crime.

It recalled in the same context that peace and security in the region will remain threatened as long as the Moroccan state, which, in addition to being one of the largest producers and exporters of drug in the world, violates international law by occupying parts of the soil of Sahrawi Republic.

On other hand, the Frente POLISARIO congratulated the Palestinian people for admission of their state as a non-member observer in the United Nations.

It also expressed deep thanks and appreciation to all allies and friends of the Saharawi people in Africa and in the world, praising the positions of support and solidarity of the international solidarity movement.

It finally reminded Spanish state to its historic and legal responsibilities towards the Saharawi people, hoping that France would play a positive and effective role in bringing just peace that ensures the integration and merger among all components of Arab Maghreb, North Africa and Mediterranean region. (SPS)
