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Gathering in Paris to demand release of Saharawi Political Prisoners

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Paris (France) January23, 2013(SPS) in the  Trocadéro square in Paris, a gathering will  organize on next Saturday to protest against the military court of 24 Saharawi political prisoners on 1st February , as learned on Tuesday  from some organizers.

A document signed by 20 Organizations including Platform of Solidarity with the Saharawi People, urges France Government, the EU and the United Nations to work for “release of Saharawi Political prisoners” and “put an end to repression and to respect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara” in addition to “find out an international mechanism for monitoring and protecting human rights in Western Sahara”

In this context, a member of the Platform, John Paul Lomarak, explained that about 56 Saharawi political prisoners remain in Moroccan Jails and 24 of them are detained since 27 months in Salé prison in “full ignorance of international law and Moroccan law”

He pointed out to those militants whom “experienced torture and had many hunger strikes” recalling that after two reports in January and Octuber2012, their trial has been decided to be set up in February 1st  before  military tribunal “ despite they are civilians” and he afraid that they “ face heavy sentences.”(SPS)
