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Sinn Féin expresses its opposition to Moroccan human rights abuses against the Saharawis

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Doblin (Ireland) Feb26, 2013(SPS) the Irish party Sinn Féin expressed on Wednesday its opposition to human rights abuses against the Saharawis in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, in a press release, reached SPS.

“Sinn Féin stands totally opposed to the human rights abuses inflicted on Sahrawis by the Moroccan authorities.” the Party stated.

The Party denounced Moroccan military court’s decision of sentencing 25 Saharawi political prisoner with rulings from20years to life sentences.  

“We are dismayed that these activists faced military trials instead of civilian trials, and that their allegations of torture and forced confessions were ignored.”

Sinn Féin believes that “the allegations of torture and forced confessions need to be independently investigated” said the Party, adding that the “defendants deserve a free and fair trial before a civilian court.”(SPS)
