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African Parliament Speaker calls for self-determination in Western Sahara

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Johannesburg, May 15, 2013 (SPS) – The Pan-African Parliament Speaker , Mr. Bethel Amadi, called yesterday for the need for self-determination in Western Sahara through a solution that ensures the Saharawi people right to self-determination, in his speech during the second regular session of the third legislature's Pan African Parliament session.

 “the suffering of the Saharawi people is something to be touched upon heavily by Africans, and to take a position about the serious human rights situation in Western Sahara which  would stop the suffering of the Saharawi people, and put an end to violations of the Moroccan serious crimes against the Sahrawi people rights” says Bethel Amadi

He confirmed The Pan-African Parliament support of the Saharawi people to get their independence and, continue to support Sahrawi’s’ legitimate struggle. He  directed tribute to the Saharawi human rights activists,  pointing out that the voice of their suffering has reached  the entire world.

It should be recalled that a large number of African MPs ,including  MPs from Mauritius, Sierra Leone, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia, Ethiopia, and others, have highlighted the need to take serious steps and process against Morocco to stop its attacks against the Saharawi people. They also called for the exercise of all diplomatic and economic pressure upon Morocco as well as inviting the Arab League to intervene in ending the crisis.(SPS)
