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Pan-African Parliament supports Sahrawi people’s legitimate right to independence

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Johannesburg, May 17, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Pan-African Parliament Mr. Bethel Amadi expressed the support of the Pan-African body to the Sahrawi people’s struggle and to its legitimate right to independence, calling for an end to the sufferings of the Sahrawi population and to the Moroccan violations of human rights in Western Sahara.

During the works of the second ordinary session of the 3rd Pan-African Parliament which is being held Johannesburg (South Africa), Amadi expressed its unfailing support to the Sahrawi people till they recover their independence,” said Egyptian newspaper "Al Ahram Al Massai" in its edition of Wednesday.

“The suffering of the Sahrawi people is an issue which must strongly be debated by the Africans to end to the serious violations of Sahrawi people’s rights, particularly on this occasion which marks the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the African Union,” said the Pan-African Parliament’s president.

It is necessary, he said, to take a “clear decision” regarding the situation of the Western Sahara and the violations perpetrated against the Sahrawi people. (SPS)
