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Spanish Left Party for freedom and independence of Saharawi people

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Murcia (Spain), May 18, 2013 (SPS) - The General Coordinator of Spanish United Left Party Mr. Cayo Lara affirmed his party’s position of support to the right of Saharawi people to freedom and independence, disapproving the positions of successive Spanish governments, wether right-wing or socialist, vis-à-vis the Western Sahara issue.

Addressing the 13th congress that kicked off Friday, Mr. Lara recalled to the promises made by Felipe González to Saharawi masses, urging members of his party to act in favour of ending the injustice and lifting the blockade imposed over the Saharawi occupied territories.

By reading the moral report, Mr. José Antonio Pujante, Regional Coordinator of United Left-Greens in the Region of Murcia (Spain), emphasized his party’s firm position of support to the Saharawi Republic to regain full sovereignty over its national territory.

He strongly denounced the “unjustified” policy of repression experienced by Moroccan authorities against unarmed Saharawi children and women, calling for the need lift the siege imposed on them, as soon as possible.

POLISARIO Representative to Murcia pointed out the traditional positions of the United Left on Western Sahara, recalling that Western Sahara issue is certainly a matter of decolonization has not completed yet.

Spain as a former colonial power, he added, still bears legal, political and ethical responsibilities regarding the question of Western Sahara.

He, in this context, called on the Spanish public opinion, whether elected institutions or free press, to pressurize Moroccan Kingdom in order to comply with international law requirements, which provide for the organization of a transparent popular consultation under supervision by the United Nations, through which the Saharawi people can express their choice freely.

At an official invitation, POLISARIO representative attended work of the 13th congress of the United Left-Greens Party.

The Congress attended by more than 300 delegates and over 120 foreign gusts representing various segments of world civil society.

The Congress is expected to vote on a motion on Western Sahara. (SPS)
