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Minister of Health participates in 7th International Symposium on uterus, Breast and prostate cancers in Africa

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Maputo (Mozambique), July 25, 2013 (SPS) – The Minister of Public Health, Mr. Mohammed Lamin Daddy, has participated in the 7th International Symposium on uterus, Breast and prostate cancers in Africa, held from 21-23 July, in the Mozambican capital, Maputo, under the slogan "Together we can save lives. "


in addition to first ladies in Africa, the seminar has witnessed the Participation of health ministers and delegates from the African Union, heads of some parliaments, many international organizations and experts in the health field, researchers, doctors and local authorities and representatives of civil society, students and other components of society.


The seminar aims at drawing the attention of political authorities and the mobilization of major African and global actors in the field of Health about the need to accelerate the implementation of measures aimed at the elimination of non-communicable diseases such as the deadly cancers that spread in developing countries and African countries by virtue of poverty, poor health services and the high percentage of population growth.


Participants continued, during the 3 days of intensive work, following different lectures and presentations by experts and specialists on the subject, as well as discussing the effective ways to combat these types of cancers to save the lives of thousands of African women who surrender tothis disease.


On the last day, African health ministers held a press conference with the media, tackling health policies and programs followed in their countries, as well as the challenges they face to eliminate these diseases.


The event concluded with issuing "Maputo Declaration" on cancers of the cervix, breast and prostate in Africa, which urges African countries to mobilize additional financial and technical resources in order to strengthen and expand programs for prevention, early screening and quality treatment and to support and strengthen cooperation and exchange of experiences in the field of medical technology.


The seminar was attended, in addition to the Minister of Health, by first Chancellor of the Sahrawi embassy in Mozambique, Mr. Sidi Mohamed Ahmed. (SPS)
