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Secretary General of UGTSARIO takes part at meeting of Maghreb-Mashreq SF’s Monitoring Committee

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Tunis, Sept 7, 2013 (SPS) - Secretary General of the Saharawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO) Mr. Mohamed Sheikh Mohamed Lehbib is taking part at the meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Maghreb-Mashreq Social Forum, held on September 6th, 7th and 8th, 2013 in Tunis, according to a source of the Saharawi delegation.

The meeting is attended by the representatives of Maghreb trade unions and social movements of Tunisia, Algeria, Western Sahara and Morocco, in addition to Palestine as well as representatives of the World Social Forum General Council and Global Diaspora Forum.

Speaking during this meeting, the Coordinator of Tunisian Human Rights League Mr. Mas'ud Al- Ramadan gave a presentation on the political, social and economic situation in Tusnisia, as well as the World Social Forum that took place in Tunis last March.

He, therefore, said that the events of Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia, Gdeim Izik in the occupied city of El Aaiun (capital of Western Sahara) and Tahrir Square in Cairo, among others “are all important milestones which paved the way for the organization of World Social Forum, united the efforts of these movements, and contributed to the establishment of a democratic climate for a region free of all forms of colonialism, based on the respect for human rights and dignity.”

Secretary General of UGTSARIO, for his part, congratulated the Tunisian organizing committee for the success of the World Social Forum, expressing satisfaction of the Saharawi delegation, which was present at the event.

He also called on human rights organizations, trade unions, Tunisian civil society institutions and administration of the Maghreb Social Forum’s Follow-up Committee to dispatch mission to Western Sahara, in the aim to assess at first hand the situation of human rights and liberties in general.

The meeting discussed the most important topics that have not seen any progress such as the settlement of Western Sahara conflict, as the main conflict in the region, Maghreb unity, demands of the Amazigh movement in Maghreb region and political Islam in the region.

The meeting reviewed the report of the organizing committee on assessment of Tunis 2013 World Social Forum. (SPS)
