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Mauritania supports UN efforts for just and comprehensive solution to Western Sahara conflict

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New York, Sept 30, 2013 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania Mr. Ahmed Teguedi said, during his intervention at the UN General Assembly 68th session, that his country “supports a just and comprehensive solution, agreed upon by both parties to the conflict the Polisario Front and Morocco.”

“The Islamic Republic of Mauritania follows with interest the question of Western Sahara and reaffirms its support for the steps taken by the Secretary General of the United Nations and its Personal Envoy, aimed at finding a final, comprehensive and fair solution, accepted by both parties, thereby strengthening security and peace in the region and facilitate the building of a prosperous Arab Maghreb that would serve the legitimate expectations of its people,” said Mr. Teguedi. (SPS)
