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Moroccan filmmaker Nadir Bouhmouch to take part at FiSahara 2013

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 4, 2013 (SPS) - The Moroccan filmmaker, photographer and human rights activist Nadir Bouhmouch will participate in the 10the edition of the Western Sahara International Film Festival (FiSahara), to take part in the Saharawi refugee camp of Dakhla on October 8-13, 2013.

Boumouch will be present at the festival with his 43-minute film “My Makhzen & Me” which investigates what gave birth to the revolt in Morocco and the obstacles he encounters during his struggle for freedom, democracy, human rights and an end to corruption and poverty.

In an essay he published on his website under the title “Why I’m a Moroccan Standing with the Sahrawi People”, the Moroccan filmmaker said that his presence in the FiSahara “is a show of solidarity with the Sahrawi people.” (SPS)
