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President of Republic condoles Vietnamese people on death of General Giap

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Oct 5, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz sent Saturday a letter of condolences to H.E. Mr. Truong Tan Sang, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and on the death of General Vo Nguyen Giap, who died in Hanoi on Friday.

“On behalf of the Government and the people of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, I would like to extend to you, to the brotherly people of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and to the family of the deceased our most sincere condolences and deepest sympathies at this painful time,” writes President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

The letter stated the Sahrawi people “still cherish the memory of that historic encounter between the late General Giap and Martyr El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed, the founder of the Frente POLISARIO,” adding that this encounter embodied the “strong solidarity between the Sahrawi and Vietnamese people in their common fight against foreign domination and occupation.”

Saharawi President took this opportunity to express to Mr. Tan Sang “deep gratitude” for the constant support extended by his brotherly country to the Sahrawi people in their legitimate struggle for freedom and independence, reaffirming “strong resolve” to further consolidate and diversify the strong bonds of friendship, solidarity and cooperation already existing between the two brotherly peoples and nations.

Below is complete text of the letter:

“H.E. Mr Truong Tan Sang

President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Socialist Republic of Vietnam


It was with great sadness that we learnt about the death of General Vo Nguyen Giap who died in Hanoi on Friday.

On behalf of the Government and the people of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, I would like to extend to you, to the brotherly people of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and to the family of the deceased our most sincere condolences and deepest sympathies at his painful time.

The late General Giap was not only a great strategist who planned and achieved legendary military victories such as the resounding victory against French occupying forces in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, a victory that led to Vietnam's independence and hastened the end of colonialism across Indochina and beyond. He was also a dedicated militant whose exemplary resistance against foreign occupation inspired millions of liberation fighters around the world.

The Sahrawi people that are waging a liberation struggle against Moroccan occupation of their country still cherish the memory of that historic encounter between the late General Giap and Martyr El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed, the founder of the Frente POLISARIO, which embodied the strong solidarity between the Sahrawi and Vietnamese people in their common fight against foreign domination and occupation.

I would therefore like to avail myself of this opportunity to express to your Excellency our deep gratitude for the constant support extended by your brotherly country to the Sahrawi people in their legitimate struggle for freedom and independence. I would also like to reaffirm our strong resolve to further consolidate and diversify the strong bonds of friendship, solidarity and cooperation already existing between our two brotherly peoples and nations.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

H.E. Mr Mohamed Abdelaziz

President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO.” (SPS)
