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UGT Murcia renews solidarity with Saharawi people’s struggle

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Murcia (Spain), Oct 6, 2013 (SPS) - Murcia’s General Union of Workers has reiterated its solidarity with the legitimate struggle and just cause of the Saharawi people, during the opening ceremony of its 13th congress, taking place on October 5-6, informed Polisario office in Murcia.

Representatives of the political parties, trade unions and civil society organizations, who took the rhetoric floor, expressed support to the just struggle waged for decades by the Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination.

At an invitation by UGT Murcia, Polisario Representative Mr. Mohamed Labat Mustapha attended the opening ceremony of this congress.

He, on the occasion, met with Mr. Antonio Jiménez, outgoing Secretary General of UGT Murcia, Mr. Rafael González, Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party, Mr. Daniel Bueno, Secretary General of CCOO Trade Union, Mr. José Pelliza, minister of universities and scientific research at Murcia government, in addition to the general coordinator of the United Left.

The congress expected to wrap out today by issuing a motion supporting the right of the Saharawi people to freedom, the UN efforts to organize the self-determination referendum, and condemns the crimes of war and human rights violations committed by Moroccan occupation forces in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. (SPS)
