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Angola condemns human rights violations in Western Sahara

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New York, Oct 13, 2013 (SPS) - The Republic of Angola has condemned the human rights violations occurring in Western Sahara, appealing to the end of the illegal exploration of its natural resources by Morocco.

In the intervention of its delegation at the UN Fourth Committee, Angola said that it is certain that the people of Western Sahara “are entitled to self-determination through open reform, adding that it is “an inalienable right, and it is based on the principles embodied in the UN Charter.”

“It is time for the United Nations to assume its proper role and responsibility in the complete decolonization of Western Sahara,” stated the delegation.

The Republic of Angola, in this regard, reaffirmed one more its “complete support” to the implementation of the UN General Assembly resolutions, particularly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, and Resolution 1541 (XV) of 15 December 1960, as well as all pertinent Security Council resolutions which reaffirm the right to self-determination for peoples and territories under colonial rule.

Angola, on other hand, expressed support to the initiatives and efforts of the UN Secretary General and his Special Envoy in order to find a definitive solution to the question of Western Sahara.

We also welcomed the completion of the last round of informal negotiations, held in March 2012, in which some positive results were achieved, encouraging the parties to continue negotiations until they find platform for total understanding and one which includes self-determination for the territory. (SPS)
